Народу независимого нейтрального Туркменистана

Уважаемому Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

Президент Туркменистана принял руководителя компании «CLAAS», председателя Восточного комитета германской экономики

Письма на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президент Туркменистана, а также Национальный Лидер туркменского народа приняли участие в садака

Письма на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президент Туркменистана утвердил Концепцию развития города Аркадаг на 2024–2052 годы

Глава Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана предложил разработать стратегию развития финансового рынка до 2030 года

Выступление Национального Лидера туркменского народа, Председателя Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана Героя-Аркадага Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова на заседании Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана встретился с руководителем Межправительственного координационного совета по вопросам семеноводства СНГ

Turkmen delegation at the Forum in Brussels: Meetings and negotiations

The Turkmen delegation led by Deputy Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Batyr Annayev held a number of meetings within the framework of the Investor Forum of the European Union Global Gateway Initiative, which takes place in Brussels, Belgium.

The Turkmen delegation also held meetings with the European Union Commissioner for Transport Adina Valean, the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Latvia Kaspars Briškens, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Bakyt Torobaev, the Deputy Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities Ralf Ernst, the Vice President of the European Investment Bank Teresa Czerwińska, regional Hans Hesen, Sales Director for Europe and Central Asia at Royal IHC, Musab Alomar, Director of the OPEC Fund for the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, and representatives of Arterail.

At a meeting with European Commissioner for Transport Adina Velean, at the initiative of the Turkmen side, business meetings on a systematic basis between representatives of transport authorities of the EU and Central Asian countries were discussed. The parties reached an agreement to hold this event in the near future.

At a meeting with the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, Teresa Czerwińska, the possibilities of establishing cooperation between the bank and Turkmenistan were explored, and an initiative was put forward to invest in the transport system of Turkmenistan. Chervinskaya confirmed the bank’s interest in participating in projects in various industries implemented in Turkmenistan.

During meetings held on Monday within the framework of the Global Gateway investment forum on sustainable transport links between the European Union and Central Asia, the Turkmen delegation introduced the transport potential of Turkmenistan. Representatives of the companies, in turn, confirmed their interest in doing business in Turkmenistan.

The Investor Forum of the European Union Global Gateway initiative was held in Brussels on January 29-30 this year. The event was aimed at achieving the long-term goal of transforming the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor into a multimodal, modern, competitive, sustainable, predictable, smart and fast route linking Europe and Central Asia in 15 days or less.