Народу независимого нейтрального Туркменистана

Уважаемому Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

Президент Туркменистана принял руководителя компании «CLAAS», председателя Восточного комитета германской экономики

Письма на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президент Туркменистана, а также Национальный Лидер туркменского народа приняли участие в садака

Письма на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президент Туркменистана утвердил Концепцию развития города Аркадаг на 2024–2052 годы

Глава Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана предложил разработать стратегию развития финансового рынка до 2030 года

Выступление Национального Лидера туркменского народа, Председателя Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана Героя-Аркадага Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова на заседании Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана встретился с руководителем Межправительственного координационного совета по вопросам семеноводства СНГ


On January 30, 2024, “The Fount of Reason of Magtymguly Fragi” - an international meeting of experts from the Turkmendemirellary agency with the delegation of the Open Joint Stock Company of the Russian Federation Russian Railways at the Turkmendemirellary agency of the Agency of Transport and Communications. this happened under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. At the meeting, current issues related to the further activation of international transport corridors between the two countries, including the development of cargo transportation in the north-south direction, were discussed:

- phased implementation of bilaterally agreed upon projects, including: modernization of the car repair plant of the Demiryollary open joint-stock company located in Gyzylarbat, construction of the electrified Ashgabat-Arkadag railway and passenger express trains, development of the logistics system, investment issues. Issues such as the implementation of projects, the opening of a representative office of the Open Joint Stock Company of the Russian Federation Russian Railways in Turkmenistan and the training of Turkmen railway workers at the Russian Railways University of Railways were discussed.

The meeting participants emphasized that the railway institutions of the two countries are conducting fruitful activities, and a large amount of export and import cargo was transported in 2023. The delegation of the Russian Federation expressed gratitude to the Turkmen side for its great assistance in opening a representative office of Russian Railways in Turkmenistan.

In addition, the Russian side reported that the proposals of the akim of Arkadag on the construction of an electrified railway between Ashgabat and Arkadag and on the creation of a passenger express train at the proposal of Turkmenistan had been considered and the corresponding work had been carried out on these projects.

They also emphasized that they are ready to begin design work and relevant contracts for the development of railway communications in Turkmenistan. They said they would pass on important documents to their colleagues through diplomatic channels. At the end of the meeting, the Turkmen side also announced that in the near future it would send information about specialists who will study at the Russian Railway University; following the meeting, a corresponding bilateral protocol was signed.