Письмо на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

Расширенное заседание Кабинета Министров Туркменистана

Президент Туркменистана принял руководителя Исламского банка развития

Президент Туркменистана поздравил Президента Алжирской Народной Демократической Республики

Участникам Выставки экономических достижений Туркменистана по случаю 33-летия независимости страны

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Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов: «Перспектива экономического взаимодействия между ЦА и Германией огромная»

Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов принял участие во втором Саммите «Центральная Азия – Германия»

Выступление Президента Туркменистана Сердара Бердымухамедова на второй встрече высокого уровня в формате «Центральная Азия – Германия»


A conference was held in Ashgabat on the state and prospects for the development of the country’s transport and communications sector. The forum was attended by representatives of line ministries and departments, specialized higher educational institutions, and deputies of the Mejlis. This was reported by the electronic newspaper “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

One of the key topics of the forum was the results of the 38th meeting of the conference of representatives of railway transport enterprises of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD) member states, held in Ashgabat on April 15-19.

During the event, its participants especially emphasized the importance of the Ashgabat Declaration adopted following the OSJ meeting. The purpose of this document is to develop and strengthen interaction between member countries of the Organization for Cooperation of Railways.

The Ashgabat Declaration will contribute to the solution of a number of important economic, information, scientific, technical and environmental issues related to railway transport. This, in turn, will serve to further develop the sphere of international cargo transportation in the region.

Turkmenistan, being a major regional center of international transport corridors, is taking active steps to modernize the material and technical base of all types of transport and create specialized infrastructure. The implementation of the points of the Program for the Development of Transport Diplomacy of Turkmenistan for 2022–2025 also continues.

The conference participants also held a briefing and a round table, during which the parties exchanged views on the implementation of government projects to build up the country’s transport and logistics potential.