Президент Туркменистана поздравил Короля и Наследного Принца Саудовской Аравии

Письмо на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

Расширенное заседание Кабинета Министров Туркменистана

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Chairman of the OSJD Committee: Turkmenistan is a very important link in the cargo supply chain between China and Europe

Let us remind you that today, April 15, the XXXVIII meeting of the Conference of heads and responsible representatives of railway transport enterprises of the member countries of the Organization of Railway Cooperation began in Ashgabat.

The Chairman of the OSJD Committee, Miroslav Antonovich, takes part in the conference, who emphasized the importance of holding this event on the anniversary of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s accession to the Organization.

“We are very pleased that we can organize the Governing Body - the XXXVIII meeting of the Conference of heads and responsible representatives of railway transport enterprises of the OSJD member countries - in Ashgabat on the anniversary of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s accession to our organization.

As Mr. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, Turkmenistan prioritizes the further expansion of the infrastructure of the main transport and transit corridors connecting important roads and modal centers along the North-South and East-West routes.

This is very important for the development of trade between the member countries of our organization. I also want to emphasize that Turkmenistan is aimed at developing these routes.

I would like to note that Turkmenistan, guided by the importance of establishing cooperation between the state and the private sector for the development and promotion of a multimodal transport and communication system, including railways, motor transport, waterways, ports, as well as attracting investments in this area, pays special attention to the creation of competitive national logistics companies.

Turkmenistan is a very important link in the cargo supply chain between China and Europe.

I would also like to say that, together with the President of Turkmenistan, I will take part in the opening of the Tejen-Mary section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat highway,” said the Chairman of the OSJD Committee.

It should be noted that the development of the railway industry, taking into account the exceptional importance of railway transport, which bears the main burden of mass transportation over long distances, is one of the main priorities for the development of our state, which relies on the steady strengthening and expansion of trade and economic ties with all interested partner countries . This is directly facilitated by the policy of broad international cooperation in the transport sector pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, taking into account the favorable geographical location of the country.

Turkmenistan, having become a member of the OSJD in 1994, is an important link in the international transit of goods thanks to the developing railway infrastructure at the national level and coordinated transport policy throughout the region. Our country has also established interaction on the OSJD platform in the field of information technology, scientific, technical and environmental issues.