Президент Туркменистана поздравил Короля и Наследного Принца Саудовской Аравии

Письмо на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

Расширенное заседание Кабинета Министров Туркменистана

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Президент Туркменистана поздравил Президента Алжирской Народной Демократической Республики

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Digitalization of customs services enhances the attractiveness of Turkmenistan as a transit hub

Turkmenistan continues to digitalize the field of customs services in order to simplify and speed up international freight transport through its territory. The TIR-EPD system operates at all border customs posts of the country, including Altyn Asyr, Artyk, Sarakhs, Serhetabat, Imamnazar, Farap, Dashoguzavtoyollary and Garabogaz.

This system allows you to receive preliminary information online about goods and vehicles traveling to Turkmenistan or passing through in transit. Similar information is automatically sent to the customs authorities of the countries participating in the “Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods using a TIR Carnet.”

The use of TIR-EPD ensures the reliability of international supply chains and facilitates the smooth delivery of goods to the countries party to the Convention.

Currently, the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan is working to coordinate this system with e-TIR in order to fully automate customs clearance of goods at the borders.

The introduction of digital solutions in the customs sector is part of the digitalization concept being implemented in Turkmenistan. This allows you to speed up logistics processes, reduce business costs and increase the attractiveness of the country as a transit hub on the Great Silk Road.