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Письмо на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

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Ivan Volynkin noted the active development of economic partnership between Russia and Turkmenistan

The expansion of trade and economic relations between Turkmenistan and Russia is characterized by a high level of dynamics. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Turkmenistan Ivan Volynkin spoke about cooperation between the two states, the CIS Today reported.

The diplomat noted that over the past five years Russia has been one of the largest economic partners of Turkmenistan. Volynkin emphasized the growth of imports of Turkmen goods to Russia.

“Over the past five years, Russia has been one of the main trading partners of Turkmenistan with an annual trade turnover exceeding 1.6 billion US dollars. At the same time, supplies of Turkmen products to the Russian market are constantly increasing: imports of textiles and food products to Russia have almost doubled,” the ambassador said.

The diplomat said that the economic dialogue between the two states is being conducted at a high level. An example of this is the work of the bilateral intergovernmental commission.

“In January 2023, the first Russian-Turkmen business forum took place in Ashgabat. This indicates the high business activity of entrepreneurs and the mutually beneficial nature of doing business,” noted Ivan Volynkin.

Separately, the diplomat highlighted the country’s development strategy until 2052 adopted in Turkmenistan, which also helps to build up trade and economic partnership with Russia. The adopted document involves the implementation of investment programs, reform of agriculture with the aim of producing environmentally friendly products and the creation of transport corridors.

“This approach contributes to the joint implementation of infrastructure projects and the expansion of bilateral trade between our countries,” Volynkin believes.

The Russian ambassador named the transport and logistics sector as another area for bilateral partnership. Russian Railways and the transport government departments of the two countries are jointly actively working to increase freight traffic on the eastern route of the international North-South transport corridor.

Summarizing, Ivan Volynkin emphasized the multi-vector nature of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Russia. Active interaction in the trade, economic, transport and technological spheres proves the status of a strategic partnership.