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В столице проходят международная конференция и выставка

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана совершил рабочую поездку в город Аркадаг

«Туркменавтоулаглары» представлено на международной выставке ITTC-2024

В Ашхабаде стартовала международная конференция по транспорту ITTC-2024

Участникам международной конференции и выставки «Международные транспортно-транзитные коридоры: взаимосвязь и развитие – 2024»

Участникам III туркмено-китайского научно-инновационного форума «Инновации, новые технологии и вопросы внедрения их в производство»

Президент Туркменистана провёл рабочее совещание

Afghanistan wants to hold another exhibition of goods in Turkmenistan

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Afghanistan announced its desire to hold another exhibition of goods in Turkmenistan, as well as other countries in the region, reports the IIC.

The department announced plans to organize more than 30 exhibitions both within the country and abroad in the new year. All exhibitions will be aimed at promoting the growth and development of Afghanistan's trade with neighboring states and other countries.

In addition to Turkmenistan, Afghanistan intends to hold exhibitions in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Türkiye, Russia and a number of other countries. Such plans are related to the success of Afghan manufacturers at the exhibition held on March 4-6 in Turkmenistan, where contracts were signed between the parties.

The organization of exhibition activities is considered by the Ministry as an important direction for increasing the export potential of Afghanistan and strengthening trade and economic ties with partners in the region.