Туркменистан планирует модернизировать железнодорожную отрасль

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Участникам II Театрального фестиваля стран-членов Международной организации тюркской культуры (ТЮРКСОЙ)

Сердар Бердымухамедов объявил международный конкурс в честь Праздника туркменского алабая

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Агентство «Туркменсвязь» приглашает к участию в международной выставке и научной конференции «Туркментел-2024»

В Турецкой Республике в городе Стамбуле, прошла министерская встреча на тему «Безуглеродный и устойчивый транспорт для устойчивого общества и экономики».

Письма на имя Президента Туркменистана

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AshGTS changed the web address of its official website

Ashgabat City Telephone Network (AshGTS) has updated the access address to its official website. Now the AshGTS website is registered on the top-level domain name - (.tm).

Users and subscribers of telecommunications services can visit the AshGTS website at www.astu.tm (capital letters of the company name Aşgabat şäher telefon ulgamy) or www.actn.tm (Ashgabat city telephone networks).

The updated design of the website is made in the rich colors of the AshGTS logo, in addition, work has been carried out to improve the functionality of the site.

By registering in the "personal account" on the site, AshGTS subscribers get the full ability to manage all online services, including connecting or disconnecting all basic and additional services provided, changing the tariff plan, making payments, monitoring payment history and much more.

On the site you can learn about all the services provided by AshGTS, get answers to frequently asked questions, get acquainted with tariff plans, and also be aware of all the news in the company's activities.

For additional information about the work of the new AshGTS website, please call 083.

Updating the official website of AshGTS is an important step in the development of the company. The new site meets modern standards and provides users with a more convenient and functional interface. The possibility of online service management will permit AshGTS subscribers to save time and money.