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Письмо на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

Расширенное заседание Кабинета Министров Туркменистана

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Chat GPT-5 will be released this summer

OpenAI is on the verge of launching GPT-5, the next version of its generative artificial intelligence model. According to Business Insider, the launch is planned for the summer, but the timing may shift.


According to the source, the new model will be significantly advanced compared to the previous version, GPT-4, introduced last year. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman previously confirmed in an interview with Lex Friedman that the company plans to "launch an exciting new model this year."


According to a Business Insider article, OpenAI showed demos of GPT-5 to some enterprise clients, who praised its capabilities. One CEO called the model “truly outstanding, significantly superior to GPT-4.” The demos also reportedly demonstrated GPT-5's ability to adapt to different use cases.


At the moment, GPT-5 is in the training stage. The model will subsequently undergo extensive security testing, including a thorough audit to identify and resolve potential issues before release.


Once GPT-5 is released, enterprise sales are expected to become OpenAI's main source of revenue.