Народу независимого нейтрального Туркменистана

Уважаемому Президенту Туркменистана Сердару Бердымухамедову

Президент Туркменистана принял руководителя компании «CLAAS», председателя Восточного комитета германской экономики

Письма на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президент Туркменистана, а также Национальный Лидер туркменского народа приняли участие в садака

Письма на имя Президента Туркменистана

Президент Туркменистана утвердил Концепцию развития города Аркадаг на 2024–2052 годы

Глава Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана предложил разработать стратегию развития финансового рынка до 2030 года

Выступление Национального Лидера туркменского народа, Председателя Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана Героя-Аркадага Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова на заседании Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана встретился с руководителем Межправительственного координационного совета по вопросам семеноводства СНГ

Institutions in the city of Arkadag are equipped with computer equipment from “Agzybirlik tilsimaty”

The infrastructure of the youngest and most modern city of Turkmenistan, Arkadag, includes the most advanced technologies. Institutions and organizations of the city are equipped with innovative developments, the latest computer equipment and software from domestic manufacturers.

Much of the credit for this goes to the joint venture (JV) “Agzybirlik tilsimaty”. The company equipped city institutions with about 2 thousand computers, monitors and barcode devices.

Like all children in the country who cross the threshold of school for the first time, first-graders in the city of Arkadag are given Bilimli laptops produced by the Agzybirlik tilsimaty joint venture.

The joint venture “Agzybirlik tilsimaty” of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan was created in 2018 as part of the implementation of the concept for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan.

Being the first enterprise in the country specializing in the production of innovative products, the company has provided millions of Turkmen citizens with the opportunity to become owners of modern computers and smart gadgets.

Energetic and young engineers of the company regularly improve their professional skills and participate in joint seminars with such leading technology giants of the world as Intel and Microsoft.

The company is the holder of trade and cooperation certificates with companies such as Western Digital company, Kingston technology company Inc., Proudly Recognizes company, ECS elitegroup company and Tsinghua Tongfang. “Agzybirlik tilsimaty” has also received various diplomas and awards from prestigious exhibitions and presentations held in Turkmenistan and abroad.

Currently, the second stage of work to obtain a certificate of international standards ISO 9001:2015 is being implemented.

Interactive panels, electronic manuals for higher educational institutions, developed jointly with specialists in the field of education, as well as improved computers are among the significant projects that the company is actively implementing at the moment.